
How Much Does Farmville Pay You

Do you know that the Facebook receives the most traffic online, only 2nd to Google? So clearly Facebook is a powerful MLM marketing tool to reach out to the masses. Our trainings help countless MLM Marketers and we show them a step-by-step Blueprint to exploding to the top of their MLM Home Business. There are a multitude of marketing techniques out there to master, and the required tools are there, their victory is literally a few clicks away.... WHY AREN'T MLM HOME BUSINESS OWNERS MAKING MORE MONEY???I received a message from a displeased Facebook friend the other day. He claimed that MLM Online Marketing doesn't work, Android Phones there was no traffic to his site and ZERO leads for his Network Marketing opportunity. I decided to check out his Profile. It was filled with Farmville. I've mentioned first impressions before. You get one chance to prove your professionalism and the leadership you offer to your followers. On social networks like Facebook, others always see what you are doing. Say I am one of the Million people each week that are looking for a work from home opportunity and I came across his page, what would I think of him? How apt would I be to begin throwing my hard earned money into his MLM "opportunity"? Do you think I am going to chose him as my MLM Mentor? No way. Farmville has exploded faster than any other online game ever, with 11 million daily users in just over 2 months. We do love to waste our time don't we? Farmville makes its money by selling virtual items and I was SHOCKED to see these online game applications had generated 2 Billion dollars in sales last year! So not only are millions spending their time on something that adds nothing to their asset column, but also now they are spending Billions of dollars on it too. Wow.People will join you and your MLM business because you offer them leadership and significant value. If I see that my leader is spending his time on Farmville, how on earth is he going help me achieve the success I want? What can this Networker, that is so clearly wasting time, teach me about a home based business? Network Marketers are seeking out leaders that will be able to show them the steps that they need to take to build a successful MLM home business. When you Google Toby & Layla, there will be no Farms to be found... just pure VALUE.I inquired to this individual, how long does it take to milk all your animals? How much time is spent harvesting crops? When you spend all these hours on the Farm, what are you getting paid? The MLM strategies that you'll learn from Toby and I will NOT work themselves while you're tending your animalswon't generate their own results whilst you tend to sheep. I have said it before and I will say it again... You must INVEST your time, not just SPEND it.If you want to start taking action and get real results in your MLM company by investing time and get the results that you deserve, it has to start today. Toby and I provide Network Marketers with the most elite Facebook strategies, for FREE. So stop tending to sheep and start building an actual Motorcycle Apparel income.

