
Environmentally Friendly Fashion

For those of you who love nature, care for the environment and want to see a sustainable future for our grandchildren yet still look fashionable and chic—there are finally sunglasses out there that are friendly to your dual purposes. One of the leading contenders in environmentally friendly eyewear is Oakley, whose Gascan line honors the tradition of good fashion as well as sustainability. The frame is made from excess materials left over from the manufacture of other Oakley products, and its bamboo emblem is not only adorable, but also a sustainable resource that has been proven to be better for flying shark balloon the environment than plastics or most other kinds of tree. They look chic, clean and the high fashion won’t set you back any carbon points (unless you use air fright, that is). In addition, the sunglasses come in a bamboo, organic certified storage angry bird bag. Some of the proceeds even go to a sports-environmental organization.A lesser known company is working along the same lines by manufacturing entire frames out of bamboo. Kayu also donates $50 of every paid bought to Unite for Sight, a charity aimed at eliminating preventable blindness. Smart Buy Glasses also donates funds from each sale to this worthy cause. Another, very similar company is iWood. Their frames are made from exotic woods hand fashioned by American high school students rc flying shark to help teach them a trade while also earning college credits. The designs are modern, chic and fresh and the frames are smartly crafted with non-toxic glues and high quality products.

